Tourism Discourse

Thurlow, C. & Jaworski, A. (2010). Tourism Discourse: Language and Global Mobility. Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave MacMillan.

In this engaging and lively book, Crispin Thurlow and Adam Jaworski present a compelling analysis of - and new insights into - the role of spoken, written and visual discourse in producing tourism as a global cultural industry. Framed by the symbolic and economic orders of global mobility, Tourism Discourse presents an empirically-based discussion of language ideologies and host-tourist relations in contemporary tourism. Each chapter investigates a different tourism genre: inflight magazines, trade signs and business cards, tourists' postcard messages, television holiday shows, newspaper travelogues, and guidebook glossaries. For Thurlow and Jaworski, these 'discourses on the move' illuminate the everyday experience and 'banal enactment' of globalization.

Recipient of the 2011 Distinguished Scholarship award, International & Intercultural Communication, National Communication Association.